This is the second in a series of FlyBoyz posts relating what I saw and did at the 23rd. Annual Brodak Fly-In in mid-June.
While I was at the Brodak Fly-In, I managed to get a tour of the Brodak Manufacturing Facility. Brodak manufactures a large variety of Control Line and Free Flight kits, parts, and accessories at their facility in Carmichaels, Pennsylvania. The manufacturing plant has the capability to go from raw wood and metal stock to a fully packaged kit ready for a modeler to build. The facility includes areas and machinery for wood working, a metal shop, a paint mixing facility, and an in house print shop for production of kit plans, instruction manuals, and all packaging and shipping labels. The manufacturing facility is located right next door to Brodak’s Hobby Shop which serves as the distribution channel for the factory and is located just a couple blocks from where the Brodak Fly-In is held each year.
I was hosted for my tour by Jan who was just a delightful tour-guide. Jan has worked for John Brodak for 19 years and knows everything about the manufacturing plant. During the tour, I also met John, Clay, and Debbie who took me through the woodworking shop, metal shop, and printing plant respectively.
A word about the video quality: I sincerely apologize for the ‘shaky’ nature of the video. My hand tremors were acting up and both my medication and the stabilization feature on the video camera were not able to fully compensate. Usually, I will redo any video when the shaking is evident. However, I did not have that option for this video. I also felt that the subject matter of the video was significant enough to publish it despite the poor recording quality. Finally, I would have liked to do a bit more editing on some of this video, however, circumstances don’t allow me the time if I’m ever to get it published in any sort of a timely manner. Please just remember, I’m not a professional videographer so please be gentle with any comments towards me!
7/2/19 – Another word about the video quality: Presented here is an updated version of the original video. It has been run through a stabilization program to help ease some of the shaky recording in the original. Many thanks to FlyBoyz reader Staffan Ahlström who is from Sweden. Staffan ran the original video I published through a video stabilization program which resulted in a much more viewable video and which is presented here. Thanks again Staffan!
Enjoy the video!
Finally, in my last post, I reported that the future of the Annual Brodak Fly-In was in question. I am happy to report that the word on the street is that John Brodak announced that this event will continue for a least 2 more years in order for it to reach it’s 25th year!
Next up on FlyBoyz – posts on:
- Brodak Hobby Shop
- Tower One Museum
- Brodak – Planes, Planes, and more Planes!